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The God-Talk show is a presentation of technical topics and current events.
We try to take a scientific approach by presenting evidence with all topics to prove our point.
In every show, we will try to invite an independent party as our guest to represent the side of the Agnostic Scientific Community. 

All shows are recorded on Sundays between 3:00pm and 4:00pm EST, please EMAIL or call in with your questions between 2:30pm and 2:50pm.  606-210-1277 or


A complete list of topics we will be discussing in upcoming months can be found HERE.

 to the show, click on the link to HERE.
Bios on God-Talk guests can be viewed HERE.

GOD-Talk Season 4 – Starting 30 September 2018

  1. God & Suffering
  2. Pastor Riser- Radical Leftism; ‘Two Toxic Rivers’
  3. Jim Elvidge, ‘Are we in a Programmed Reality’
  4. Islamization of America & History of Radical Islam
  5. Ken Samples; 3 Heroes of Church History
  6. Dr. J Zweerink; Origin and End of the Universe, and Fine Tuning
  7. Dr. Ian Hutchinson; Can a Scientist Believe in Miracles??
  8. Dr. Hugh Ross, ‘Creator and Cosmos
  9. History of Thanksgiving
  10. Christmas Star. Replay from 2015
  11. Dr. T Jennings; God Shaped Brain
  12. “Back to the Future 3; the Future of religion'”
  13. Constantine- the favor or fall of Christianity?
  14. Late Term Abortion- medical, legal and moral complications Part 1

GOD-Talk Season 3 – Starting 28Aug2017

  1. Dr. Granquist; The Reformation & life of Martin Luther, part 1
  2. Dr Dan van Voorhis; Legacy of 1517 and Reformation
  3. Dr. Robert Marks, Origins, Evolution and Information
  4. Dr Granquist; Martin Luther and Reformation 2
  5. Circumstantial Evidence, Faith and God’s Existence
  6. Reliability of New Testament
  7. Dr. Scott Keith, Fatherhood, Grace and God
  8. Dr. Adam Francisco; Proof of Resurrection
  9. Answers to a Non-Theist Pt2
  10. Escaping from N Korea
  11. Back to the future pt1
  12. Dr. Amit Goswami; Physics of the Soul​
  13. Back to the future pt2​
  14. George Sarris 3 Is there a Hell?
  15. Stephen Hawking; Life, Religion and God
  16. Mere Science and Christian Faith; Dr. G Cootsona
  17. God and Millennials; Allison Perry
  18. Joseph Selbie; Physics of God
  19. Dr. Greg Cootsona; Mere Science and Christian Faith.2
  20. Is God really a Trinity? Dr. Dale Tuggy
  21. Immigration, Catholicism, String Theory; Andres Amaya
  22. Neil degrasse Tyson Rebuttal; Can God exist with natural evil?
  23. God Talk vs. Atheist Armin Navabi
  24. God Talk vs. Atheist Armin Navabi pt 2

GOD-Talk Season 2 – Starting 28Aug2016

  1. GT2 God and Money; Dr. Bill Grimes
  2. God Talk; My Friendly Atheist- Implications of Naturalism; DLJ
  3. Dr. Fuz Rana; Origin of Life 2, Creating Life in the Lab
  4. Dr. Hugh Ross; Improbable Planet
  5. Dr. C Mariottini; Old Testament theology
  6. My Friendly Atheist; DLJ part 2; Does God Exist?
  7. Dr. Betty; When did you become less by dying? 9 paths to afterlife
  8. God Talk- Ten Commandments pt1
  9. Reflection on Election; death of Castro
  10. Does the Multiverse change Theology?
  11. Dustin Wellons; The Hopelessness of Atheism; Nihilism
  12. Ken Samples; God among Sages
  13. Mark Antonacci; Test the Shroud; the Shroud of Turin
  14. Jack Strunk; Amazing Story of Dying, Heaven and Jesus
  15. Dr. Barry Callen; Bible Stories for Strong Stomachs
  16. George Sarris; Heavens Door, Pt 1
  17. George Sarris; Heavens Door Pt 2
  18. Leslie Kean; Surviving Death
  19. Fr Rod Walton, The Supernatural in Pastoral Theology
  20. Ken Samples; Science vs Religion, friends or foes
  21. Why do Theists see God in the Cosmos?
  22. Dr. Jeffrey Long, God and the Afterlife​
  23. Pastor Jeff Hency; What is Forgiveness?
  24. Dr. Michael Heiser; Divine Council Theology
  25. J. Vernick, Global Warming, “Is Mankind Heating Up the Earth’?
  26. Dr. Peter Forrest; Alternative Concepts of God
  27. Did God save us from Hillary?

GOD-TALK Season 1
List of Previous Shows from Season 1:

  1. Meet the Hosts; Doug and Dr. Andy
  2. Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
  3. Who goes to heaven?
  4. Heaven & Hell
  5. How does prayer work?
  6. Morality, Science, & God (Global Warming example)
  7. God & Cancer.  (How does it fit into God’s creation)
  8. Why Theology?
  9. Is God a moral monster?
  10. Ancient Church (part 1 of ~5)
  11. Vacation report & marriage
  12. Bible for non-Christians?
  13. Bible Questions (part 1)
  14. Bible Questions (part 2)
  15. The Meaning of Life
  16. Global Warming (Man-Made Climate Change is Political Hype!)
  17. Chattanooga & Islam
  18. 1st GOP Debate
  19. Abortion, Part 1
  20. Suffering & the Spirit Realm, Special Guest:  Roger Samples
  21. Time
  22. GOP Nominee Predictions
  23. Global Warming 2
  24. Ancient Church 2 (Is Christianity a new religion or a continuation or Judaism?)
  25. Proof of God 1
  26. Vacation Report & Proof of God (the Beauty Argument)
  27. The Big Bang Theory and God with Astrophysicist Dr. Thomas Pannuti
  28. 15 Arguments for God
  29. NDE story; Bro. Gary Joseph
  30. Debbie Moffitt; “Unwelcomed, a haunting story”
  31. Dr. Lee Baumann, Afterlife and Near Dearth Experiences (NDE)​
  32. Dr. Tom Campbell, “My Big TOE, The Theory Of Everything”
  33. Howard Storm, “My Descent into Death, a NDE Story”
  34. Dr. Gregg Frazer, “Religious Beliefs of our Founders”
  35. Dr. Jeffery Long; NDE Research
  36. Ole Anthony; Religious Fraud and Abuse
  37. Ken Samples; How Christianity changed the world
  38. Dr. Edgar Andrews; “Who Made God”
  39. Dr. Paul Maier, “Evidence of the New Testament” (part 1)
  40. Dr. Paul Maier, “Evidence of the New Testament” (part 2)
  41. Marie-Ange Faugerolas, “The Definitive Guide to Angels from around the World
  42. Tim Mahoney; Proof of Exodus, Patterns of Evidence
  43. Christmas Star; Dr. Thomas Pannuti
  44. David Limbaugh; Emmaus Code
  45. Dr. MH Woollacott; Consciousness; research and explanations
  46. Reflection on Big Bang, Origins & Refuting Lawrence Krauss
  47. Frosty Wooldridge, “Overpopulation”
  48. Dr. Fuz Rana, “Origin of Life”
  49. God Talk, “Doubts about God and Religion”
  50. Barry Eaton, “Afterlife discussions
  51. Peter Panagore “Heaven is Beautiful” (Frozen to death, NDE)
  52. Barrie Schwortz (Shroud of Turin)
  53. Perry Marshall; Evolution 2.0
  54. Dr. Terence Fretheim; Divine-Human Relationships
  55. Dr. JG Stackhouse, Jr; “God, evil and suffering”
  56. PMH Atwater; Afterlife Analysis and NDE research
  57. Stafford Betty; World Religions, Afterlife, and Consciousness discussions
  58. Dr. Eben Alexander; Map of Heaven
  59. God Talk; Did Miller-Urey experiment explain abiogenesis
  60. Dr. J. Zweerink; Multiverse, theological and scientific implications
  61. Pastor J. Hency; Creation Narratives of Genesis 1
  62. Dr. Manor; Biblical Archeology, Ancient OT History
  63. Frosty Wooldridge; Catastrophic Implications of Immigration and Overpopulation 2
  64.  John Weiss; Afterlife is to die for
  65. Dr. Manor; Old Testament History Part 2
  66. Dr. Josh Farris; The Soul and the Nature of Personal Identity
  67. Dr. Rob Rienow; The Christian Family in 21st century
  68. Dr. Silverman; Shroud of Turin
  69. Dr. Larry Wood; God and History, the evolution of faith
  70. Dr. Heine; Origen; The Ancient Father of the Church in Alexandria Egypt
  71. Jeff Hency; Holiness in the 21st century
  72. Chaplain S Rasico; The Holocaust Remembered
  73. Pastor D. Wellons; Biblical Response to Feminism
  74. Dr. O.R. Pagan; Brain Science, Faith, and God
  75. Dr. Josh Farris; The Soul in the Afterlife
  76. J. Curtis; Reaching the disenfranchized in the Church
  77. Dr. J. Bingham; Ireneaus, Church Father and Apologist of the Early Church
  78. God Talk; Listener Call In
  79. Abortion, Faith and Politics
  80. God’s Existence; The Prime Mover
  81. Dave Parman; From Rock Star to Pastor
  82. David Rohl; Archeological Proof of the Exodus
  83. Tim Mahoney; Patterns of Evidence for Exodus
  84. Jeff Hency; Holiness part 2
  85. Dr. Craig Evans; From Jesus to the Church; the Jewish, Christian Split
  86. Dr. Larry Wood; God, Time and Eternity
  87. Dr. Mishlove; Basis of Consciousness and Metaphysical Reality
  88. Dr. Barry Callen; The Mystery and Paradox of Spiritual Truth
  89. Dr. H. Ordway; From Atheist to Devoted Christian Theist
  90. Dr. J Walls; Hell, the Logic of Damnation part 1
  91. Dr. S Betty and Peter Panagore; Afterlife Research
  92. Dr. Walls; Hell, logic of damnation 2
  93. Dustin Wellons; Exclusivity of Christian Faith
  94. Dr. Bill Grimes; Monks, Mysticism and Mediciner. Bill Gr
  95. Leaving God for Atheism? The Essence of Real Faith and process of deconversion

To VIEW and download a power point slide presentation of the show, click on a photo shown below:
Please note that not all shows have a presentation.